Cleaning & Maintenance

12 + 8 =

Welcome to Gotar!

Gotar supplies the pulp and paper industry with a complete selection of solutions designed to help your systems stay at pique performance levels.  Our Pulp and Paper selection of products is found here.

Expertise at Gotar

Between the experience of CEO Daniel Nolan and the track record of Mill Specialist Rod Raslack – along with the seasoned experts on our team across North America – Gotar is your first call when proper care and maintenance of your equipment is required. 

Now, original performance is forever.                         La performance d’origine en permanence.

Resolving pre-operational, maintenance & cleaning in Pulp and Paper, Aluminum, Marine, Mines, Hydroelectric & other sectors.

Solution de nettoyage pré-opérationnel et maintenance dans les secteurs Pâtes et Papiers, Aluminium, Naval, Mines, Hydroélectrique et autres. 



2371, rue de la Métallurgie, Jonquière QC G7X 9V8